During a discovery trip around Bermuda Triangle searching for Atlantis land, the time went backward to the 18th century. This led Captain Elias and his team to get lost in the Devil's Triangle on the ocean, where they suffered from seasickness and starvation. After a few days, the British Navy rescued them, taking them all to the hospital in Wales.
The former American president, John Adams, was proud of Captain Elias and his discovery trips beyond the ocean. Unfortunately, he was later arrested with his team by the French soldiers; they were accused of being Russian spies against the great military leader, Napoleon Bonaparte. While, in the jail they have learned that they were sent in a time travel trip back to the 18th century, where they were meant to change the politics in the world for their own benefits. Also, they discovered along the way that the people who used them were in touch with aliens.
Captain Elias had a wonderful close relationship with Linda, who was the only passenger with them on the ship. Unfortunately, captain Elias' best friend on the trip was also in love with Linda; both of them were shocked to learn that she was in touch with the aliens.
The former American president, John Adams, was proud of Captain Elias and his discovery trips beyond the ocean. Unfortunately, he was later arrested with his team by the French soldiers; they were accused of being Russian spies against the great military leader, Napoleon Bonaparte. While, in the jail they have learned that they were sent in a time travel trip back to the 18th century, where they were meant to change the politics in the world for their own benefits. Also, they discovered along the way that the people who used them were in touch with aliens.
Captain Elias had a wonderful close relationship with Linda, who was the only passenger with them on the ship. Unfortunately, captain Elias' best friend on the trip was also in love with Linda; both of them were shocked to learn that she was in touch with the aliens.
The Bluish Island Fiction and Romance Novel
The Bluish Island Novel
Captain Elias was getting ready to sail toward Bluish Island which is located in Bermuda Triangle, where many of mysterious incidents and disappearance of ships and airplanes. Captain Elias had a feeling that he will discover a version land that nobody had stepped on. After a little while of sailing in the ocean he met a little child, Linda’s son, Linda was very excited to travel in a discovery trip with Captain Elias. After that the Captain fell in love with her, at the same time the chief engineer Mosas was trying to get her attention that he had a feelings to her. She was very busy with her son during the trip, they faced troubles and scary attack in Bermuda triangle, and the chief engineer was always having a weird movements and suddenly he disappeared. Captain had lot of doubts against his mystery chief engineer Mosas, Captain Elias was the only one who stepped on the Bluish Island during that time hundreds of the years backward, and when he got back to his boat he saw all the crew and Linda were asleep, , the boat was completely damaged and it was lost.. The little boy, Linda’s son was the only awake person on board, and he was the only one who believed that Captain Elias reached the Bluish Island. After all they were saved before the boat getting in sink.
Captain Elias was getting ready to sail toward Bluish Island which is located in Bermuda Triangle, where many of mysterious incidents and disappearance of ships and airplanes. Captain Elias had a feeling that he will discover a version land that nobody had stepped on. After a little while of sailing in the ocean he met a little child, Linda’s son, Linda was very excited to travel in a discovery trip with Captain Elias. After that the Captain fell in love with her, at the same time the chief engineer Mosas was trying to get her attention that he had a feelings to her. She was very busy with her son during the trip, they faced troubles and scary attack in Bermuda triangle, and the chief engineer was always having a weird movements and suddenly he disappeared. Captain had lot of doubts against his mystery chief engineer Mosas, Captain Elias was the only one who stepped on the Bluish Island during that time hundreds of the years backward, and when he got back to his boat he saw all the crew and Linda were asleep, , the boat was completely damaged and it was lost.. The little boy, Linda’s son was the only awake person on board, and he was the only one who believed that Captain Elias reached the Bluish Island. After all they were saved before the boat getting in sink.
مجموعة قصص الخيال العلمي للأطفال وهي ثمانية كتب متنوعة منها النملة العملاقة ، روكي في ارض العمالقة ، مملكة الضفادع ، الخارق، الفأر العملاق، كوكب القردة ، تباع في جميع المكتبات اللبنانية والعربية
وليد والنجوم
:فيديو قصص وأغاني للأولاد من تأليف: الأديبة اميرة العسلي ،
الكرتون في مطلع الفيديو رسوم وتحرك
الفنان طارف العسلي ، قصة وليد والنجوم للرسامة: لينا غزالي ، قصة وسيم وكريم للرسام: جورج خوري ، تحريك الرسوم :اميرة العسلي ،أصوات : الأديبة اميرة العسلي والدكتور حسين إسماعيل